Sunday, July 20, 2008


Its written from Bellas point of veiw, if u don'y know who Bella is its the main charactor of the Twilight Series, read it, i did... 11 times, but anyway here goes...

They were different from the rest,
Shy and out of place,
They looked sort of stressed,
And all had tremendous grace,

They stared blankly at the walls,
And gave little emotion,
All gorgeous like glass dolls,
Or maybe a deep blue ocean,

I couldn’t look away,
As if in a trance,
All else turned to grey,
Just at my first glance.

its alittle weird and choppy is some parts but watever it was on the my first poems


Anonymous said...

GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! its awesome! haha. You're gooood! lol

lone poet said...

haha thanx actually wrote this one for school, so its kinda old