Tuesday, July 8, 2008


i have absolutly nothing new to tell anybody!!! TV is now boring, reading all day is out, its already hot at 10, and that means if i'm not up by 8 that i can't ride my horses, i can't write all day, there are no games here, and i don't have my sketch pad or my viola!!! i am so bored!!!

isn't that rediculous, i'm complaning about not having anything 2 do. that is digusting!!! people are out there suffering while i... am not suffering [exept of boredom(which doesn't count)]

and now i have nothing 2 say. i'm out Taylor Tot

oh wait!!! if you havent been 2 this blog you need 2 her poems are ridiculously amazing!!! storyless_girl she posted a comment if u can't get it to work its on one of my older posts about my book. you have 2 c her poems, seriously amazing!!!
ok NOW i have nothing left to say Taylor Tot