Thursday, July 17, 2008


She keeps what she’s feeling,
Tucked away in her black heart,
She’s gotten good at concealing,
But soon she’ll break apart,

She puts on a fake smile,
An echoic laugh,
Nothing seems worth her while,
Her heart just broke in half,

Her face looks pale,
Her eyes sunk in,
She’s very frail,
She just can’t win,

She hangs by a thread,
Not one more tear can she shed,
For she has run out,
All she has is doubt,

There is no need to live,
Her heart is in shreds,
There’s nothing else to give,
So now she is dead.


Anonymous said...

Awesome poem. I love how you make your own poems!

cass said...

haha thanks for the comment! that's exactly what we were trying to do.... be stupid. you have no idea how bored me and my cuzin were! lol

Anonymous said...

Thats really a beautiful poem!!! good job!!!-Krosemarie