Saturday, July 19, 2008

hurricane harbor- nothing but lazy river and irritating people and 1 cool guy.

ok... so my WHOLE family went 2 hurricane harbor, most would ride all the rides, run around or watever. i decided the lines were WAY 2 LONG!!! so i was in the lazy river ALL DAY!!! it was so much fun!!! i met this kid, he musta been like... 12 or something, but he did basically wat i did, exept he stood in the same spot and everytime i came by we would talk, he took my brothers gay indiana jones hat that is so ridiculous looking i want 2 shred and burn it!!! but anyway he was like... really cool. and he had an AWESOME hat!!! but anyway so i stayed in the river thingy for like... about i'd say 6 hours!!! which turned out 2 b really fun!! except for the part where my sister ripped part of my toenail off!!! gross!!! and then some guy was like stocking me, and he was really annoying, and then this one guy who must have had freakishly long toenails ran into me!!! his nail like... dug into my heel and omg it HURT!!! now I've got a cut on my right heel in a... like... semi-circle shape??? i don't know how 2 explain it, but god did i want 2 do the same 2 him!!! he didnt even say sry wen i like... SHRIEKED!!! just kept going!!! wat a jerk right?!!! anyway, watever it was really fun!!!


Anonymous said...

Semi circle shape?
How about cresent moon?

lone poet said...

that works 2