Thursday, August 7, 2008


grrr is my new word/sound, i say it all the time now. idk y!!! ok i still am just SO uninspired, being uninspired sucks!!! i feel so... so, well, unispired. and i find it hard 2 no wat 2 write about here now 2, i just dont get it!!! um let me think, um ok heres something.

i'm going 2 a family reunion 2morrow morning, so 2morrow and the next day i dont no if i'll be on, i dont think they have internet, but sunday nite i should have something good 2 write about,. and if i dont, i wouldnt be suprised, but watever thats fine, i gotta go- Taylor Tot


Anonymous said...

Lately I've been so inspired...thats odd. We switched. I'll give it back soon. ;)

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