Monday, June 30, 2008

my first horse Dolly

Right so i started riding when i was 6. so that means i've been riding... 8 years, only 6 years with a trainer, i had to quit for 2 years, but i already had my first horse, Dolly! she is the sweetest horse ever. i still have her actually, shes 26 now shes got arthritis and i'm the only one who rides her, and only bareback. if you don't know how to read what shes thinking your gonna be all over the place. Dolly has a... crazy? background. She used to be a proffesional rodeo horse, she did cutting and she was one of those horses who get the cowboys off the bulls. well she had a bad accident, a bull horned her, cutting into her skin so deep they thought she would only be able to walk ever again, so they sold her, she was put to pasture for 3 years, and they ended up selling her to my riding coach, and Dolly had recovered well, so she retrained her, so she was a competitive barrel horse. then she got old and they let some of the more expierienced riders ride her in lessons. at the time i was 7 and going to my first horse show, but 2 weeks before the show, they found out there was rodeo and the horse i was suppost to ride wasnt going to be at the show, so she put me on Dolly, i had only ridden her twice and i won a 3rd and a 5th in the show which was awesome to me. so i started to ride her in lessons. a few years later we bought her, and we went to another show when i was 10 and won High-Point! so now ive been riding her 7 years and she is my other half, itslike... when i'm riding her, our brains are connected or something i know i sound like a freak when i say that, but its true. and thats my story with Dolly.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know about that. I love Dolly. She's an awesome little mare. She was the 3rd horse i've ever ridden. 2nd ive ridden by myself. I hated you when she was gone, but I didn't know you at all at that time.
Now i <3 you! lol

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.