Monday, June 30, 2008


Ok, so my horse knotch= ) i love him and hate him all at once. hes stupid and smart, crazy and calm, all over the place and collected, HE CAN'T MAKE UP HIS MIND!!! but neither can I. I haven't ridden him in like... for ever but he... i don't know, he's just... HIM and 4 those of you who have seen him you know exactly what i'm talking about, like... he is so picky. when it comes to bits, if there is anything at all that isn't perfect... he just goes insane, runs around and bucks. its so stupid, yet 4 some odd reason i love him 2 death, i mean seriously why? i don't know! he threw me into a fence for crying out loud and given me 2 concussions!!! and you know what i would feel like the meanest most horrible person in the entire world if i ever hurt him!!! i could never sell him either i don't know what it is about him, but he's special, he's Knotch
I'm out


Anonymous said...

Hey, everyone <3's knotch! He's hilarously adorable! Every horse has flaws...he has alot! lol in a good way....what am I talking about?!?!? He got dropped on his head major. Not kidding. He did. Seriously.