Friday, January 16, 2009

some bright light- look past this post to comment, where the pics are please

Words of wisdom from me...

Happiness is something that we all seek, all yearn to house. Many think the destination brings happiness, where ever we are going, getting there will bring joy. So they strive for it, with all their heart. But many question why once they get there. Why something once so important and desirable, fails to warm their heart. Not only that, but once you reach the destination, it only brings more need. The explanation is simple, so listen close. The destination is not where happiness flows, but the journey to get to the river.

i was sitting in the car, just thinking, and it came to me, i typed it out in my phone, not sure what to do with it, but also not wanting to leave it be. so i just decided i should post it on here, just for kicks. and now, a poem :P

I contain no special blood,
I wear no jeweled crown,
I have no magnificent castle,
Nor any sacred grounds,

Go take her,
Claim her as your own,
Leave me here,
All alone,

Let me freeze,
Let me shake,
Have her show you,
The love you'll make,

Make you happy,
Make you druel,
An oblivous man,
A sad fool,

For you do not know,
The path that you chose,
Brings not happiness,
But where sadness flows.

I guess it goes with happiness thing...


Victoria said...

so true, i love it! :)

Sakhi. said...

that was beautiful!!!

PhilO♥ said...

awesome poem! it's really lovely and i can totally get the feeling of this poem. you're a great writer ! :)
Take Care.

Victoria said...


Anonymous said...

that was good.

nothing else.


Sakhi. said...

thnx!!u r n awesome writter too!!

Anonymous said...

have done. thats nice. not that funny though.


Anonymous said...

lovely poem... ur a great poet...

stupid ramblings of mine said...

Hey! Thanks so much for your comment on my blog!

Very nice poem and what you wrote before was really well put as well.
We are always seeking more and more in life... So much that when we get what we want it is never enough. Takes too much to be happy.

p.s. I love the rambling so dont worry! haha

ChipotleChick said...

That was DA BOMB!!!! that was a great poem. It was honest and beautiful and it RYMED! but you didn't sacrifice meaning for rhythm, it's just naturally amazing.

O, and i'm just a random person randomly posting on your blog! Hope you don't mind. OOO i just had an awesome idea! you should go comment on my blog! how's that for fun? woo! i love your blog. I'm gonna read some more of your posts.

Mac said...

I like your poem about the view of happiness as you said. As a person with depression you have no idea how hard i strive to be happy. But would i and can i really be happy.

Anonymous said...

its not that funny.

sorry for ruining your moment lol


Daughenbaughjlel said...

I like your poem about the view of happiness as you said. As a person with depression you have no idea how hard i strive to be happy. But would i and can i really be happy.